Dublin: 6 °C Wednesday 12 February, 2025

Here's how a Galway pub ended up selling 50c pints during last night's match

A deal that reduced the price of beer by 50c every time a team scored went brilliantly wrong.

GERMANY’S AMAZING PERFORMANCE in last night’s World Cup semi-final certainly surprised many – but none more so than the Roisin Dubh pub in Galway.

The Roisin put on a very tempting deal in the hopes of enticing punters to watch the match in the pub:

roisindubh Source: Facebook/Roisin Dubh

But they probably weren’t counting on Germany scoring seven goals in practically no time at all. The price of a pint of Erdinger, as you may have guessed, soon dropped to just 50c. Mayhem ensued.

10530679_10153200472950931_2116060295996464391_n Source: Facebook/Roisin Dubh

The pub wrote on their Facebook page:

Screw you, Germany. Erdinger 50c at the moment. Johnny Wow is working hard tonight.

But the football fans were delighted:

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